I suppose I ought to post something, some shred of the work I've done this last semester. I'll save the more personal stuff for when some publisher wants to pay me a giant advance on my collection of memoirs. This gun piece is a fair representative of the Creative Non-Fiction I did during the spring. If I ever take it down, it's only because I want to revise it and possibly submit it for pub.
Apologies to all the cool cats in Glossary. The blog went untended for quite awhile and my post about their latest album probably got a little stale, 8 months after the fact. They played a blistering opening set for Drive By Truckers at The Vogue the other night and answered every geeky, absurd fanboy question I asked them. Anybody gets the chance to see them, run don't walk. You'll out-hip the hipsters. Truly, one of the best bands you've never heard of.
At any rate, have a read if you like. No pretty pictures, sorry.